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Chinese translation for "water year"


Related Translations:
heliacal year:  偕日年
tourist year:  旅游年
forty years:  四十年
four years:  四年
civil year:  日历年。
childhood years:  稚年
pesticide year:  农药年度
year class:  年龄级
split year:  跨年度
normal year:  平水年(中水年)正常年度
Example Sentences:
1.Large quantity of water use as well the deterioration of water quality in rivers and lakes result in regional water resources shortage in dry years , on the other hand , regional water logging and flood disasters frequently occur in plenty water years
2.The collapse mainly occurs in the low - water years or during the beginning of the dry season and rain season in a year . the formation and developing scales of the collapse are affected by many factors , such as karst caves , sola and water , etc . however , the taking of the underground water which causes the hydrodynamic conditions changed and the water level highly descended is a leading factor for the karst collapse . the mechanism of karst collapse is discussed based on long - term monitoring results of groundwater level and geological environment
3.Lesson engineering measure for research mainly from the sloping fields flow recycling potential analysis with gathering the water technique the both side collecting the region ' s rain - storm flood the data , year declining the water year the flow the data and water and soil conservation data , analysis combine intoing the small river valley flood the path comparing coefficient , water and soil conservation not flow coefficient , revising the new concept of deep etc . flow of year path , establishing synthesizing solving the sloping fields flow recycling the potential computing the model , bring upping gathering the water technique is with the
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